Work Package 6
To formulate and trial at least one exemplar product based on the design rules
The first part of the work package will focus on developing exemplar/model product(s) for consumer assessment, based on the design brief produced in work package 5. While the number of exemplar products produced will depend on the outcomes of the design brief but it is anticipated that three diverse products (e.g. a biscuit, a cracker and a liquid/semi-solid product) will be developed. The production of the exemplar products will take place at Campden BRI but will be informed by the technical and commercial expertise of the stakeholder industry partners. The industry stakeholders will utilise their expertise to apply a range of ingredient and process technologies to ensure that the test products have acceptable flavour and mouth feel. For example, sweeteners and flavourings can be used to mask any potentially unpalatable flavours due to enhanced protein content. Thickeners and different mixing technologies can be used to address texture issues. Particle size and protein source could also influence flavour and texture properties. Industry stakeholders will begin to develop a model system to address some of the key development technologies. Once developed, Campden BRI will supply exemplar products to Aberdeen, Bristol, Newcastle and Sheffield where consumer testing will be carried out. We will recruit at least 50 participants in each age range (40-54 years, 55-69 years 70+years) across the sites. Participants will complete a sensory panel for each exemplar product in which the product will be assessed alongside a comparable, commercially available product. Participants will be asked to rate a range of sensory responses including palatability, mouth feel, acceptability and expected satiety.
Outcome and deliverable: This WP represents a formal test of the design rules derived in WP5. The test will either validate these rules or will provide a formal feedback loop to identify areas for update. By the end of this WP we will yield an exemplified, dissemination-ready and industry-ready set of rules.