Work Package 2
Focus groups and interviews on consumer barriers and opportunities for protein consumption
Work package 2 is led and managed by Emma Stevenson & Anthony Watson at Newcastle University. Work package 1 will investigate the barriers and enabling factors to increased intake of protein-rich foods in a sample of community-dwelling healthy mid-life (40-54 years), young old (55- 69 years) and older old adults (70+ years). Focus group discussions will be conducted at Newcastle University. Up to 20 participants will be recruited for each age category. Where possible equal numbers of male and female participants from a range of socio-economic backgrounds will be recruited in each group.
To explore the themes identified in relation to actual protein consumption (as recommended by Appleton and colleagues), the usual consumption of protein-rich foods for participating older adults will be assessed using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Participants will be asked to identify the frequency of consumption of white meat; red meat; processed meats; white fish; oily fish; seafood; eggs; milk; yoghurt, custards and blancmanges; soft and hard cheeses and plant-based proteins. Questions on nuts; mushrooms; beans; pulses and protein substitutes will also be included to allow for the inclusion of vegetarian diets. The specific foods included are usual components of the UK diet, and the response format will be taken from a validated FFQ.
Outcomes and Deliverables: The key outcome of this work package will be a qualitative insight into the barriers and enabling factors to increased intake of protein-rich foods across mid-life and into older age. This information will directly inform WP4 and WP5.