Forster, G., Upstill-Goddard, R.C. and Uher, G. Nitrous oxide and methane in the Atlantic Ocean between 50°N and 52°S: latitudinal distribution and sea-to-air flux. Deep Sea Research In Press.
Jickells, T.D., Liss, P.S., Broadgate, W., Turner, S., Kettle, A.J., Read, J., Baker, J., Cardenas, L.M., Carse, F., Hamren-Larssen, M., Spokes, L, Steinke, M., Thompson, A., Watson, A., Archer, S.D., Bellerby, R.G.J., Law, C.S., Nightingale, P.D., Liddicoat, M.I., Widdicombe, C.E., Bowie, A., Gilpin, L.C., Moncoiffé, G., Savidge,G., Preston, T., Hadziabdic, P., Frost, T., Upstill-Goddard, R., Pedrós-Alió, C., Simó, R., Jackson, A., Allen, A., and DeGrandpre, M.D. A lagrangian biogeochemical study of an eddy in the north east Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography In Press.
Barnes, J., Purvaja, R., Ramesh, R., Uher, G. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2007) Nitrous oxide fluxes in Indian mangroves; tidal production mechanisms, fluxes and global significance. In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems (eds. Y. Tateda, R. Upstill-Goddard, T. Goreau, D. Alongi, A. Nose, E. Kristensen and G. Wattayakorn), Gendai Tosho, Kanagawa, Japan, 257p, 139-151.
Kitidis, V., Tizzard, L.H., Uher, G., Judd, A.G., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Head, I.M., Gray, N.D., Taylor, G., Durán, R., Diez, R., Iglesias, J. and García-Gil, S. (2007) The biogeochemical Cycling of methane in Ria de Vigo, NW Spain: sediment processing and sea-air exchange. Journal of Marine Systems 66, 258-271.
Kitidis, V. and Uher., G. (2007) Photochemical mineralisation of dissolved organic nitrogen. In: Biological Oceanography Research Trends. Nova Publishers.
Ramesh, R., Purvaja, R., Neetha, V., Divia, J., Barnes, J. and Upstill Goddard, R.C. (2007) CO2 and CH4 emissions from Indian mangroves and surrounding waters. In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems (eds. Y. Tateda, R. Upstill-Goddard, T. Goreau, D. Alongi, A. Nose, E. Kristensen and G. Wattayakorn) 2007, Gendai Tosho, Kanagawa, Japan, 257p, 153-164.
Rodrigues,P.P.G.W., Barnes, J. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2007) Simulating estuarine nitrous oxide production by means of a dynamic model. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54, 164-172.
Spencer, R.G.M., Ahad, J.M., Baker, A., Cowie, G.L., Ganeshram, R., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., and Uher, G. (2007) The estuarine mixing behaviour of peatland derived dissolved organic carbon and its relationship to chromophoric dissolved organic matter in two North Sea estuaries (U.K.). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74, 131-144
Spencer, R.G.M., Baker, A., Ahad, J.M.E., Cowie, G.L., Ganeshram, R., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., and Uher, G. (2007) Discriminatory classification of natural and anthropogenic waters in two U.K. estuaries. Science of the Total Environment 373, 305-323.
Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Barnes, J. and Ramesh, R. (2007) Are mangroves a source or a sink for greenhouse gases? In: Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems (eds. Y. Tateda, R. Upstill-Goddard, T. Goreau, D. Alongi, A. Nose, E. Kristensen and G. Wattayakorn), Gendai Tosho, Kanagawa, Japan, 257p, 127-138.
Ahad J.M.E., Ganeshram R.S., Spencer R.G.M., Uher G., Upstill-Goddard R.C. and Cowie G.L. (2006) Evaluating the sources and fate of anthropogenic dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in two contrasting North Sea estuaries. Science of the Total Environment, 372, 317-333.
Ahad J.M.E., Ganeshram R.S., Spencer R.G.M. and Uher G. (2006) Evidence for anthropogenic C-14-enrichment in estuarine waters adjacent to the North Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 33(8).
Barnes J., Ramesh R., Purvaja R., Rajkumar A.N., Kumar B.S., Krithika K., Ravichandran K., Uher G. and Upstill-Goddard R.C. (2006) Tidal dynamics and rainfall control N2O and CH4 emissions from a pristine mangrove creek. Geophysical Research Letters 33.
Kitidis V., Stubbins A.P., Uher G., Upstill-Goddard R.C., Law C.S. and Woodward E.M.S. (2006) Variability of Chromophoric Organic Matter in surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II 53: 1666-1684.
Kitidis V., Uher G., Upstill-Goddard R.C., Mantoura R.F.C., Spyres G. and Woodward E.M.S. (2006) Photochemical production of ammonium in the oligotrophic Cyprus Gyre (Eastern Mediterranean). Biogeosciences 3: 439-449.
Robinson, C., Poulton, A.J., Holligan, P.M., Baker, A.R., Forster, G., Gist, N., Jickells, T.D., Malin, G., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Williams, R.G., Woodward, E.M.S., and Zubkov, M.V. (2006) The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) Programme: a contextual view 1995 – 2005. Deep-Sea Research II 53: 1485-1515.
Shalini. A, Ramesh.R, Purvaja. R and Barnes. J. (2006) Spatial and temporal distribution of methane in an extensive shallow estuary, South India. Journal of Earth System Science 115: 451-460.
Stubbins A.P., Uher G., Law C.S., Mopper K., Robinson C. and Upstill-Goddard R.C. (2006) Open Ocean Carbon Monoxide Photoproduction. Deep-Sea Research II 53: 1695-1705.
Stubbins A.P., Uher G., Kitidis V., Law C.S., Upstill-Goddard R.C. and Woodward E.M.S. (2006) The Open Ocean Source of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide. Deep-Sea Research II 53: 1685-1694.
Uher G. (2006) Distribution and air-sea exchange of reduced sulphur gases in European coastal waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 70: 338-360
Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2006) Air-sea gas exchange in the coastal zone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 70: 388-404
Bange H.W. and Uher G. (2005) Photochemical production of methane in natural waters: Implications for its present and past oceanic source. Chemosphere, 58(2): 177-183.
Franklin, M.P., McDonald, I.R., Bourne, D.G., Owens, N.J.P., Upstill-Goddard, R.C. and Murrell, J.C. (2005) Bacterial diversity in the bacterioneuston (sea surface microlayer): the bacterioneuston through the looking glass. Environmental Microbiology 7: 723-736.
Krom, M.D., Woodward E.M.S., Herut B., Kress N., Carbo P., Mantoura R.F.C., Spyres G., Thingstad T.F., Wassmann P., Wexels-Riser C., Kitidis V., Law C.S., Zodiatis G. (2005) Nutrient cycling in the south east Levantine basin of the eastern Mediterranean: Results from a phosphorus starved system. Deep-Sea Research II 52: 2879-2896.
Krom M.D., Thingstad T.F., Brenner S., Carbo P., Drakopoulos P., Fileman T.W., Flaten G.A.F., Groom S., Herut B., Kitidis V., Kress N., Lawe C.S., Liddicoat M.I., Mantoura R.F.C., Pasternak A., Pitta P., Polychronaki T., Psarra S., Rassoulzadegan K., Skjoldal E.F., Spyres G., Tanaka T., Tselepides A., Wassmann P., Riser C.W., Woodward E.M.S., Zodiatis G., Zohary T. (2005) Summary and overview of the CYCLOPS P addition Lagrangian experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research II 52: 3090-3108.
Law C.S., Abraham E.R., Woodward E.M.S., Liddicoat M.I., Fileman T.W., Thingstad T.F., Kitidis V., Zohary T. (2005) The fate of phosphate in an in situ Lagrangian addition experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research II 52: 2911-2927.
Naqvi, S.W.A., Bange, H.W., Gibb, S.C., Goyet, C., Hatton, A.D. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2005) Biogeochemical Ocean-Atmosphere Transfers in the Arabian Sea. Progress in Oceanography 65: 116-144.
Percival, P., Frid, C. and Upstill-Goddard, R. (2005) The Impact of Trawling on Benthic Nutrient Dynamics in the North Sea: Implications of Laboratory Experiments. In: Benthic Habitats and the Effects of Fishing (eds: Barnes, P.W. and James, P.T.), 890pp., American Fisheries Society.
Pérez V., Fernández E., Marañón E., Serret P., Varela R., Bode A., Varela M., Varela M.M., Morán X., Woodward E.M.S., Kitidis V., García-Soto C. (2005) Latitudinal distribution of microbial plankton abundance, production, and respiration in the equatorial Atlantic in Autumn 2000. Deep-Sea Research I 52(5): 861-880.
Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2005) The role of the oceans in the global cycles of climatically-active trace-gases. The Encyclopedia of Water, John Wiley & Sons.
Varela M.M., Bode A., Fernandez E., Gonzalez N., Kitidis V., Varela M., Woodward E.M.S. (2005) Nitrogen uptake and dissolved organic nitrogen release in planktonic communities characterised by phytoplankton size-structure in the Central Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 52: 1637-1661.
Judd, A.G. (2004) Natural seabed gas seeps as sources of atmospheric methane. Environmental Geology 46: 988-996.
Mortimer RJG, Harris SJ, Krom MD, Freitag TE, Prosser JI, Barnes J, Anschutz P, Hayes PJ, Davies IM (2004) Anoxic nitrification in marine sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 276: 37-52.
Pacyna J.M., Bange H.W., Borges A., Frankignoulle M., Hov O., Mano S., Uher G. and Upstill-Goddard R.C. (2004) Carbo Europe - GHG. Paper on coastal ecosystem greenhouse gas budget, European Commission DG Research - V th Framework programme: 118.
Judd, A.G. (2003) The global importance and context of methane escape from the seabed. Geo-Marine Letters 23: 147-154.
Truesdale, V.W. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2003) Dissolved iodate and total iodine along the British East Coast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56: 261-270.
Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Frost, T., Henry, G.R., Franklin, M., Murrell, J.C. and Owens, N.J.P. (2003) Bacterioneuston control of air-water methane exchange determined with a laboratory gas exchange tank. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17: 1108.
Frost, T. and Upstill-Goddard, R. C. (2002) Meteorological controls of gas exchange at a small English lake. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 1165-1174.
Jacobs, C.M.J., Nightingale, P.D., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Kjeld, J.F., Larsen, S. and Oost, W. (2002) Comparison of the Deliberate Tracer Method and Eddy Covariance Measurements to Determine the Air/Sea Transfer Velocity of CO2. In: Gas Transfer At Water Surfaces, M.A. Donelan, W.M. Drennan, E.S. Saltzman, and R. Wanninkhof (Eds), American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Ser., 127 pp. 225-231.
Jacobs, C. M. J., Kjeld, J. F., Nightingale, P. D., Upstill-Goddard, R. C., Larsen, S. E. and Oost, W. A. (2002) Possible errors in CO2 air-sea transfer velocity from deliberate tracer releases and eddy covariance measurements due to near-surface concentration gradients. Journal of Geophysical Research 107 , 3128.
Oost, W., Jacobs, C.M.J., Kohsiek, W., Goosens, G., van der Horn, J., Sprung, D., Rapsomanikis, S., Kenntner, T., Reiner, T., Bowyer, P., Larsen, S., de Leeuw, G., Kunz, G., Hall, A., Liss, P., Malin, G., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Woolf, D., Graham, A., Nightingale, P.D., Fairall, C., Hare, J., Dissly, R., Tans, P., Anderson, R. and Smith, S.(2002) ASGAMAGE, the Air-Sea Gas Exchange/MAGE Experiment. In: Gas Transfer At Water Surfaces, M.A. Donelan, W.M. Drennan, E.S. Saltzman, and R. Wanninkhof (Eds), American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Ser., 127 pp. 219-223.
Bange, H.W., Andreae, M.O., Lal, S., Law, C.S., Naqvi, S.W.A., Patra, P.K., Rixen, T. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2001) Nitrous oxide emissions from the Arabian Sea: A synthesis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 1: 61-71.
Bury, S.J., Boyd, P.W., Preston, T., Savidge, G., Owens, N.J.P. (2001) Size-fractionated primary production and nitrogen uptake during a North Atlantic phytoplankton bloom: implications for carbon export estimates. Deep-Sea Research 48: 689-720.
Scott, G.W., Hull, S.L., Hornby, S.E., Hardy, F.G., Owens, N.J.P. (2001) Phenotypic variation in Fucus spiralis (Phaeophyceae): morphology, chemical phenotype and their relationship to the environment. European Journal of Phycology 36: 43-50.
Uher G., Hughes C., Henry G. and Upstill-Goddard R.C. (2001) Non-conservative mixing behavior of colored dissolved organic matter in a humic-rich, turbid estuary. Geophysical Research Letters 28(17): 3309-3312.
Upstill-Goddard, R. C., Suijlen, J. M., Malin, G. and Nightingale, P. D. (2001) The use of photolytic rhodamines WT and sulpho-G as conservative tracers of dispersion in surface waters. Limnology and Oceanography 46: 927-934.
Nightingale, P.D., Malin, G., Law, C. S., Watson, A. J., Liss, P. S., Liddicoat, M.I. Boutin, J. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2000) In situ evaluation of air-sea gas exchange parameterizations using novel conservative and volatile tracers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14: 373-387.
Uher G., Schebeske G., Barlow R.G., Cummings D.G., Mantoura R.F.C., Rapsomanikis S.R. and Andreae M.O. (2000) Distribution and air-sea gas exchange of dissolved dimethyl sulphide at the European western continental margin. Marine Chemistry 69(3-4): 277-300.
Upstill-Goddard RC, Barnes J , Frost T , Punshon S. (2000) Methane in the southern North Sea: Low-salinity inputs, estuarine removal, and atmospheric flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14: 1205-1217.
Frost, T. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (1999) Air-sea gas exchange into the millennium: progress and uncertainties. Oceanography and Marine Biology. An Annual Review 37: 12-45.
Kettle A.J., Andreae M.O., Amouroux D., Andreae T.W., Bates T.S., Berresheim H., Bingemer H., Boniforti R., Helas G., Leck C., Maspero M., Matrai P., Mctaggart A.R., Mihalopoulos N., Nguyen B.C., Novo A., Putaud J.P., Rapsomanikis S., Roberts G., Schebeske G., Sharma S., Simó R., Staubes R., Turner S. and Uher G. (1999) A global data base of sea surface dimethyl sulfide (DMS) measurements and a simple model to predict sea surface DMS as a function of latitude, longitude, and month. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13(2): 399-444.
Uher G. (1999) Determination of dissolved dimethyl sulphide in seawater. Methods of Seawater Analysis. K. Grasshoff, K. Kremling and M. Ehrhardt. Weinheim, Germany, Wiley-VCH.
Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Owens, N.J.P. and Barnes, J. (1999) Nitrous oxide and methane during the 1994 SW monsoon in the Arabian sea/northwestern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 30067-30084.
Watts L.J., Sathyendranath S., Caverhill C., Maass H., Platt T. and Owens N.J.P. (1999) Modelling new production in the north west Indian Ocean region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 183: 1-12.
Watts L.J. and Owens N.J.P. (1999) Nitrogen assimilation and the f-ratio in the north western Indian Ocean during an intermonsoon period. Deep-Sea Research 46: 3-4, 725-743.
Barnes J., Owens N.J.P. (1998) Denitrification and nitrous oxide concentrations in the Humber estuary, UK, and adjacent coastal zones. Marine Pollution Bulletin 37: 247-260.
Murphy E.J., Boyd P.W., Leakey R.J.G., Atkinson A., Edwards E.S., Robinson C., Priddle J., Bury S.J., Robins D.B., Burkill P.H., Savidge G., Owens N.J.P., Turner D. (1998) Carbon flux in ice-ocean-plankton systems of the Bellingshausen Sea during a period of ice retreat. Journal of Marine Systems 17: 207-227.
Owens N.J.P. and Watts L.J. (1997) The assimilation of nitrogen by marine phytoplankton and the role of 15N: the past, present and future? In: Stable Isotopes: Integration of Biological, Geological and Geochemical Processes. H. Griffiths, editor, B.I.O.S. Scientific Publishers, Oxford, U.K, pp.257-277.
Rees, A.P., Owens, N.J.P. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (1997) Nitrous oxide in the Bellingshausen sea and Drake Passage. Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 3383-3391.
Uher G. and Andreae M.O. (1997) Photochemical production of carbonyl sulfide in North Sea water: A process study. Limnology and Oceanography 42(3): 432-442.
Uher G. and Andreae M.O. (1997) The diel cycle of carbonyl sulfide in marine surface waters: field study results and a simple model. Aquatic Geochemistry 2: 313-344.
Lipschultz F., Owens N.J.P. (1996) An assessment of nitrogen fixation as a source of nitrogen to the North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeochemistry 35: 261-274.
Probyn T.A., Waldron H.N., Searson S., Owens N.J.P. (1996) Diel variability in nitrogenous nutrient uptake at photic and subphotic depths. Journal of Plankton Research 18: 2063-2079.
Savidge G., Priddle J., Gilpin L.C., Bathmann U., Murphy E.J., Owens N.J.P., Pollard R.T., Turner D.R., Veth C., Boyd P. (1996) An assessment of the role of the marginal ice zone in the carbon cycle of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science 8: 349-358.
Ulshöfer V.S., Flöck O.R., Uher G. and Andreae M.O. (1996) Photochemical production and air-sea exchange of carbonyl sulfide in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Chemistry 53: 25-39.
Upstill-Goddard, R.C., Rees, A.P. and Owens, N.J.P. (1996) Simultaneous high-precision measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in water and seawater by single-phase equilibration gas chromatography. Deep-Sea Research 43: 1669-1682.
Holmes A.J., Owens N.J.P., Murrell J.C. (1995) Detection of novel marine methanotrophs using phylogenetic and functional gene probes after methane enrichment. Microbiology UK 141: 1947-1955.
Thompson A.S., Owens N.J.P., Murrell J.C.(1995) Isolation and characterization of methanesulfonic acid-degrading bacteria from the marine-environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61: 2388-2393.
Upstill-Goddard, R.C. and Wilkins, C. S. (1995) The potential of SF6 as a geothermal tracer. Water Research 29: 1065-1068.
Liss, P. S., Watson, A. J., Liddicoat, M.I., Malin, G., Nightingale, P.D., Turner, S.M. and Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (1994) Trace gases and air-sea exchanges. In: Understanding the North Sea system, H. Charnock, K.R. Dyer, J. M. Huthnance, P.S. Liss, J.H. Simpson and P.B. Tett (Eds), Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 153-164.
Grant Forster (2006) Nitrous oxide and methane in the Atlantic Ocean: transects from 52º S to 50º N during AMT.
Ibrahim Al-Ansari (2006) A hydrographic and biogeochemical study of waters and sediment of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Qatar (Arabian Gulf).
Robert Spencer (2005) Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nitrogen in two N.E. UK estuaries.
Philip Percival (2004) Impacts of trawl fisheries on marine benthic biogeochemistry.
Pedro Watts-Rodrigues (2003) Modelling nitrous oxide production in two contrasting British estuaries: The Forth and the Tyne.
Jon Barnes (2003) Nitrous oxide in UK estuaries.
Vas Kitidis (2002) CDOM dynamics and photoammonification in the marine environment.
Aron P. Stubbins (2001) Aspects of aquatic CO photoproduction from CDOM.
Sarah E. Hornby (2000) Characterisation of pyrolysis mass spectrometry for use in marine algal systematics.
Tom Frost (1999) Environmental controls of air-water gas exchange.
Sean M. Starr (1999) Microbial methane oxidation in the marine and estuarine environment.