Pam Maxwell: Extract Two

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Do you prefer reading actual physical books, or do you have an e-reader?

I don’t have an e-reader. I don’t know if I fancy one or not. I have to read in snatches, and I find it very easy to put my book mark in or remember the page. What I sometimes do is, as well as the set books and other books, I like to borrow the talking books from the library, and if you’ve got a really good plot and it’s on very fast it’s amazing how quick you can iron, you know you really can, you can get a real steam up. It’s best not to have a weepy or you go to a stop! But I think, yeah, I must admit talking books do compliment the whole reading experience. If you are doing something that’s really boring you put a talking book on, and if you have a good reader reading that, you can sometimes pick up a little something that you might have missed, in their expression of doing it, as to what you might have read off the page. Or you might have read that bit a bit quickly and they bring out something else. I read when I can – at night, on the bus, just whatever time I’ve got!