Where do you read?
I’m not a person who ... I never read on the bus or if I’m a passenger in a car. I sometimes read on the train if we’re going on a journey. Obviously I read on holiday. But I’m the type who likes to … I like quiet, funnily enough. I usually find a quiet spot in the house and read or not. I can read bits of it, if I’m really, really interested in something; say if there’s background television on, if my husband’s got the television on, I can read newspapers during that. But I like to have quiet; I’ve got a room that I go to, a sort of study-type of room. So I go off and usually read there, or if I’m in the house on my own. My husband […] likes the television on more than I do, so it’s more quiet. I just like to ingest the novel.
We’ve got a room which we use; it’s a bedroom, but there’s only … My grandson – we’ve got grandchildren – he stays there. But we use it; we’ve got a computer. So I tend to take myself off, if my husband – to be fair – if he’s watching the telly and I don’t want to watch it. But if I’m in, I would just sit down and read downstairs.