
Clinical Research: Influencing policy and practice

We are really proud to showcase some of the great SLT research activity happening in the north east. This work was submitted and accepted for our Research Symposium, which was due to happen in Newcastle on 1st July 2020. Because of COVID-19, the physical Symposium has not taken place. However we are delighted to be able to present the work in a different way!

To recognise the fact that people have different amounts of time available, we asked that accepted abstracts were presented either as the original abstract, or in a different format if preferred (poster, narrated slideshow, or written report). As you will see below, the range and quality of work is fantastic. Well done everyone, and thank you for the effort you have put into this. (Please note that large files are hosted on our Google Drive site, so depending on your NHS Trust IT policy, you may need to view these on a personal device.)

We so look forward to seeing everyone again face-to-face, when the time comes. 

An opening message from Derek Munn

Derek is Director of Policy and Public Affairs at RCSLT. He was due to be a keynote speaker at the Symposium, and has very kindly recorded this message for us:  

Presentations by clinical area





Head and neck

Learning disability
