Newcastle University

File Technical Information

Introduction to the files

Each interview involved an interviewer plus a dyad of participants from Tyneside. The dyad was normally a pair of speakers who were closely acquainted, in order both to collect the most naturalistic speech and lessen the need for the interviewer to interject.

Each interview consisted of an informal chat lasting around 1 hour. Each participant was then asked to read a reading passage and a list of single words. Copies of the reading passages and word list used can be found below:

All of the transcripts and sound files follow a labelling system for ease of use.


Each filename contains the following information:

Thus, ‘T_3009_08_1’ represents a transcript from SEL3009, transcribed in 2008 and matching any sound files with filenames ending in the number 1.

Sound files

Each filename contains the following information:

In some cases, word list and reading passage files are combined. Thus, a file named ‘WL1+RP1’ would be the word list and reading passage for Informant 1, and a file named ‘WL1&2+RP1&2’ would be the reading passages and word lists for both informants.

Vacation Scholarship files

These files are named slightly differently to the others, and do not include word lists and reading passages. Their filenames include the following information:

These labels will be found at the end of both the transcript and corresponding sound file.

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