
Dissemination and implementation of policy options

This work package is led by Habiba Ben Romdhane in the National Public Health Institute - Institut National de la Sante Publique.

The objectives of WP8 are as follows:

- To support the design and implementation of sustainable,effective and cost-effective strategies for prevention of CVD and diabetes within Palestine, syria, Tunisia and turkey through consultation with and dissemination of the study findings to policy makers and local stakeholders.
- To support the design and implementation of these strategies throughout the Easter Mediterranean region and internationally by dissemination of the study findings to the international health policy making and research communities, with particular emphasis on middle income countries.
- To assist partner countries in developing implementation and evaluation plans for selected policy options.

The final MedCHAMPS event took place in Tunis on 26th February 2013
The findings from MedCHAMPS were presented to an invited audience of around 70 policy makers and academics, most of whom were from the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania). The event was organised and hosted by Professor Habiba Ben Romdhane. A full list of participants at the event and links to press releases in French and Arabic can be found here Participants and press releases