Newcastle University Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Public and Patient Involvement Panel

We are creating a brand new Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Panel. A think tank of individuals who have been affected, both directly and indirectly, by Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. By working with the panel to discuss and review the research currently being carried out by the LRCG and the work of our affiliated colleagues and clinicians, we hope to look ahead to the future of leukaemia diagnosis and treatment.

The principle objective of the Newcastle University ALL Patient and Public Involvement (NU ALL PPI) Panel is to collaborate with the LRCG discussing current and future research plans and proposals, and review new research ideas and methodologies. As a Panel member, you will provide unique survivor or relative lived experience and insight, which will further influence the treatment of leukaemia patients, leading to better survival rates.

As one of 10-12 members of the Panel, you will meet four times per year for a 2-3 hour meeting. Membership is voluntary but you must be committed to attending meetings, and reading and responding to relevant meeting correspondence. We ask you to make a long-term commitment to the Panel, with initial membership being 5 years, although we do realise that circumstances change and you are of course free to leave as necessary. You will be remunerated for your time as funding support allows. This will be continuously communicated to the Panel.

As a Panel member your main responsibilities will be:

  • Attend scheduled meetings and read any information that is shared before the meeting
  • Suggest issues for consideration at meetings, comment on documents, sharing ideas and views freely and actively
  • In meetings, be respectful of the responsibilities, viewpoints, and expertise of other members
  • Declare any conflicts of interest if they arise, and respect any requests for confidentiality

If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved in the Panel, please complete our Expression of Interest form.