Take Part - Exercise Only

Intervention study of the impact of using the Jonple App to support weight loss through fitness changes.

 Principal Investigator (PI): Sasha Bruce, School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences, Newcastle University.

 Supervisor(s): Ms. Susan Lennie and Dr Anthony Watson, School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences, Newcastle University.

 Collaborators: Emma Kellett, Jonple Ltd., Manchester.


You are being invited to take part in a research study conducted by a final year Sport and Exercise Science student, part of the School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences at Newcastle University. Prior to your decision, it is crucial that you understand the reasons as to why the research is being carried out and what it will entail. Please read the following information carefully; feel free to discuss it with others if you need. We welcome any questions if you feel you require more information, or something isn’t clear. Take your time when deciding whether this study is something you wish to take part in.

Study Overview

The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the fitness programme within the Jonple Ltd. app in supporting weight loss. This is separate from the app’s other features of a diet programme and also psychological techniques.

For this part of our research, we are seeking adults over the age of 18 years, male or female, to take part in a 4-week fitness programme. In order to qualify for this study, your BMI must be over 25kg/m2. You will be asked to fill out a consent form and a PAR-Q prior to starting the study. This form includes 7 questions, the answers of which will be used to inform whether you can take part in physical activity. If, for any reason, you do not pass this form, then you will not be allowed to take part in the study. If you are successful, you will be sent a link and asked to complete a 24hour food diary recall. This will be done online through Intake24, which is an easy to use programme where you input all food and drink from the previous day.

 What will happen to me if I take part?

Participants will be asked to follow a fitness programme as recommended by. A commercially available health and nutrition app. In advance of this, participants will have a one-to-one consultation with the researcher to gather body measurements (weight, height, girths of upper arm, lower leg (calf), waist and hip). In addition to this, a standardised fitness test, comprised of a warm-up, four main exercises and a cool-down, will be completed.

The fitness test will comprise of a warm-up, including jogging on the spot, some dynamic stretching and some activation exercises. Following this, you will complete a squat test, plank test, press-up test and a step-up test. Following the tests, you will finish with a cool-down. Each exercise will be clearly demonstrated.

These measurements will be taken at the start and the end of the study, and you will be given video guidance on how to complete these. You will also need to complete the food diary recall at the end of the study, using the same methods as at the start.

These consultations will last approx. 30mins - 1 hour and will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. These consultations will be private and will not involve any other participants. You will need to have access to a flexible tape measure for some of the measurements. In preparation for these sessions, we ask that you wear a short-sleeved sports top and either leggings or loose-fitting shorts. These measurements should not cause you any harm or discomfort, and there are no risks associated with these methods.

Participants will use the fitness app on a regular basis over the 4 weeks. Access will be free, through provision of a code to apply once you have downloaded the app. You will receive your individual code during the initial online consultation. 

In addition, participants will be required to answer a brief survey at the end of each week. This will ask questions regarding how many workouts were completed, and if you feel that you can continue. This survey will take approx. 2 minutes.

 What will happen to my data?

The data collected across this intervention will be analysed and used to determine whether the fitness and dietary programme of the Jonple app supports successful weight loss. Your data will not be stored against your name, you will instead be given a participant identification number, which will be used in replacement of your name across any electronic storage of the data prior to publication. Your data will be presented in aggregate, and therefore individual sets of data will not be identifiable. 

Risks and Discomforts

In order to combat the risks involved in physical activity, the participants will have to complete a PAR-Q. If this is not passed, then the participant is deemed unfit for physical activity and can therefore not take part in the research. The zoom sessions will be one-on-one, meaning that participants will be unaware of each other’s identity or information. Each participant will be numbered, meaning that during data analyse your confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained. If, during the study, you become injured or in any way unable to complete a workout, then you can terminate your involvement in the research. You are able to withdraw at any time from the intervention study.


At the present time, there are no clear benefits of using the Jonple app.  However, by taking part in the study you will be assisting us in understanding whether the app supports weight loss. Furthermore, the data will be used to improve the digital app, which is widely available to the general public, increasing their knowledge and understanding of the correct health and lifestyle choices. It may also support weight loss and improved fitness habits.


As a thank you for taking part in the study, your access to the Jonple app will continue for a full 12 months. Beyond the study, you will be free to use all components of the Jonple app, rather than just the fitness section.


 Your individual privacy will be maintained in any and all publications or presentations that result from this research. This will be done by assigning you a unique identification number which will be used instead of personal details for electronic storage of the data. Your name or personal details will not be written on any paper copies of data collection and will never be disclosed in any research documents which are included in the study. All zoom sessions will not be recorded, and no images will be taken at any time during these sessions. All information that you provide will be kept strictly confidential and anonymised.

University and organisations overseeing research governance may look at your study records. A study number, as opposed to your name, will be used on all records, so you will not be identifiable should this occur.

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal from the Study

You have the right to terminate your involvement in the study at any time without penalty. You may refuse to take part in any part which you do not feel comfortable with or answer any questions you do not wish to answer. If you do withdraw from the study, you may request that your research data and information be removed. This can be done by contacting the Principal Investigator listed above and below.

Contact Information

If you have any queries about anything e.g. the study itself, or any concerns or complaints, please contact s.l.bruce@newcastle.ac.uk (Sasha Bruce) (Principle Investigator).

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet.

If you wish to proceed to take part, please click here:https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=9735013