Paolo Virno

Virno, Paulo (2007 [c. 1980 {no exact date given}]), ‘Dreamers of a Successful Life’, trans. Jared Becker, ‘On Armed Struggle’, trans. Robert Zweig, in Sylvère Lotringer & Christian Marazzi (eds.), Autonomia: Post-Political Politics. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e).

— (1986), Convenzione e materialismo: L’unicità senza aura. Rome: DeriveApprodi. Revised and corrected edition, 2011. Convention and Materialism. Trans. Lorenzo Chiesa. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2020.

— (1994), Mondanità. L’idea di ‘mondo’ tra esperienza sensibile e sfera pubblica. Rome: Manifestolibri. Expanded edition, 2014, entitled, L’idea di mondo. Intelletto pubblico e uso della vita, incorporating the essay, ‘The Use of Life’ (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2015), forthcoming in English translation as The Idea of World, Seagull Press.

— (1995), Parole con parole. Poteri e limiti del linguaggio. Rome: Donzelli.

— (1996), ‘The Ambivalence of Disenchantment’, ‘Virtuosity and Revolution: The Political Theory of Exodus’ (the latter extracted from Mondanità), and (with Lucio Castellano et al.) ‘Do You Remember Revolution?’ in Paolo Virno & Michael Hardt (eds.), Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

— (2015 [1999]) Déjà Vu and the End of History. Trans. David Broder. London: Verso. Il ricordo del presente: Saggio sul tempo storico. Turin: Boringhieri. 

— (2004 [2002]), A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life. Trans. Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito, & Andrea Casson. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e). Grammatica della moltitudine. Per una analisi delle forme di vita contemporanee. Rome: DeriveApprodi, 2002/2014. 

— (2005), Motto di spirito e azione innovativa. Per una logica del cambiamento [Jokes and Innovative Action: Towards a Logic of Change]. Turin: Boringhieri. (Translated as part of Virno 2008, infra.) 

— (2008), Multitude: Between Innovation and Negation. Trans. Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito, & Andrea Casson. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e). (Partial Translation of Virno 2010, E Così Via, All’Infinito: Logica e Antropologia and full translation of Motto di spirito e azione innovativa, with a new Appendix not included in either). 

— (2015 [2003]) When the Word Becomes Flesh: Language and Human Nature. Trans. Giuseppina Mecchia. South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e). Quando il verbo si fa carne. Linguaggio e natura umana. Turin: Boringhieri. 

— (2007), ‘Post-Fordist Semblance’. Trans. Max Henninger in SubStance 112, 36:1 (2007): 42–46.

— (2009), ‘Natural-Historical Diagrams: The “New Global” Movement and the Biological Invariant’ in Lorenzo Chiesa & Alberto Toscano (eds.), The Italian Difference: Between Nihilism and Biopolitics. Melbourne:

— (2010), E così via, all’infinito: Logica e antropologia [And So On, Ad Infinitum: Logic and Anthropology]. Turin: Boringhieri. (Partially translated in Virno 2011, infra, and Virno 2008).

— (2011), ‘The Anthropological Meaning of Infinite Regression’, trans. Lorenzo Chiesa in Lorenzo Chiesa (ed.), Angelaki 16:3 (September 2011): Italian Thought Today. (Partial Translation of Virno 2010).

— (2018 [2013]), An Essay on Negation: For a Linguistic Anthropology. Trans. Lorenzo Chiesa. London; Calcutta: Seagull. Saggio sulla negazione: Per una antropologia linguistica. Turin: Boringhieri.

— (2020), Avere. Sulla natura dell’animale loquace. Turin: Boringhieri.

— (2021), Dell’impotenza. La vita nell’epoca della sua paralisi frenetica. Turin: Boringhieri. Translation under consideration by Bloomsbury.