Donatella di Cesare
Di Cesare, D. (2011), Grammatica dei tempi messianici, Giuntina, Firenze;
- (2012), Utopia of Understanding. Between Babel and Auschwitz, trans. Niall Keane, State University of New York Press, New York;
- (2014a), Crimini contro l’ospitalità. Vita e violenza nei centri per gli stranieri, Il melangolo, Genova;
- (2014b), Israele. Terra, ritorno, anarchia, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino;
- (2018 [2014]), Heidegger and the Jews: The Black Notebooks. Cambridge: Polity;
- (2019), Terror and Modernity, trans. Murtha Baca, Polity, Cambridge;
- (2020a), Marranos. The Other of the Other, trans. David Broder, Polity, Cambridge;
- (2020b), Resident Foreigners. A Philosophy of Migration, trans. David Broder, Polity, Cambridge;
- (2021a), Immunodemocracy. Capitalistic Asphyxia, trans. David Broder, Semiotext(e), Los Angeles;
- (2021b), The Time of Revolt, Polity, Cambridge;
- (2021c), The Political Vocation of Philosophy, trans. David Broder, Polity, Cambridge.