Data collection


The above map shows sub-daily station data collected so far for INTENSE which includes data from the HadISD dataset.‌  Some of this data comes from direct contact with national meteorological offices, environmental and other agencies.  We are grateful to all those who have allowed the project to use their data.

Country No. of stations Data source
Australia 2019 Australian Bureau of Meteorology. 1minute Automatic Weather Station data and 5 minute pluviography data
Belgium 85 Service Publique de Wallonia
Costa Rica 10 CIGEFI  Geophysical Research Center at the University of Costa Rica San José Costa Rica, CATIE  Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center Turrialba Costa Rica, OTS Organization for Tropical Studies San José Costa Rica
Finland 7 Finnish Meteorological Institute
France 17 Meteo France
Germany 1027 Deutscher Wetterdienst
Ireland 27 Met Eireann
Italy 197 Meteo Trentino, Servizio Informativo Agrometeorologico Siciliano, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol
Japan 1793 Japan Meteorological Agency
Malaysia 206 Malaysian Department of Irrigation and Drainage
ISD 8356 Integrated Surface Database
Norway 159 Meteorologisk Institutt
Panama 14 Panama Canal Authority
Portugal 100 Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera
Singapore 40 PUB Singapore’s National Water Agency
Spain 219 Servei Meteorologic de Catalunya
Switzerland 270 Meteo Swiss
UK 1903 UK Met Office, Environment Agency, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales
USA 6309 National Climatic Data Centre