Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)  provide a synergistic network that harnesses the strength and expertise of individuals trained across different fields to produce solutions to common problems. SIGs are community-led and provide an open, inclusive, and supportive environment where both students and staff can freely exchange ideas and enhance their skills across different methodologies and technologies.

If you have an interest in establishing a SIG, please reach out to the SIGs lead, Saimir Luli (Saimir.Luli@ncl.ac.uk).

SAMI is a community-driven initiative which aims to foster skills and expertise that propel the development of disease systems and methodologies, adhering to the principles of the 3Rs. SAMI serves as a collaborative and a training platform, connecting inexperienced basic scientists and clinicians with academics and Research Technical Professionals (RTPs) possessing the legal authority and skills necessary to conduct high-standard preclinical research using state-of-the-art facilities. Contactsaimir.luli@ncl.ac.uk or nimaging@ncl.ac.uk

Go to SAMI SIG SharePoint site.

The Single Cell Technologies and Cytometry SIG provides a platform to discuss, innovate and consolidate advances and best practices in single cell research. Contact: david.mcdonald@newcastle.ac.uk

Go to Qualitative SIG SharePoint site.

The aim of this Special Interest Group is to bring together scientists and promote networking to drive high impact research in the field of spatial transcriptomics and multiplexed imaging by discussing new technologies; advances in spatial transcriptomics, RNAscope; simultaneous multiplexed imaging as well as data analysis. Contact: jonathan.coxhead@newcastle.ac.uk

‌This SIG's aim is to provide strategic oversight and wider usage of the seahorse technology. It will provide teaching and training for users at any levels including students, researchers, PIs and technicians, and provide opportunities to share research, protocols,  and skills, fostering best practises and collaboration. It will also host workshops and a user meeting which will be supported by Agilent and will be open to external participants. contact Satomi Miwa

This Special Interest Group provide a platform for researchers to exchange information on any and all methods and techniques relevant to the practice of proteomics. Contact: matthias.trost@newcastle.ac.uk

This Special Interest Group will provide a platform for scientist and statisticians who work with databases and analytical tools of contemporary genetics to answer biological problems. Contact: Ann.Hedley@newcastle.ac.uk

The Image analysis special interest group aims to provide resources, expertise, and breakthrough technologies regarding image analysis to Newcastle University scientists using any imaging modality for their research. We want to act as a resource and a community for image analysis throughout Newcastle University. Contact: george.merces@newcastle.ac.uk 

Go to Image Analysis SharePoint site.

 We aim to bring together scientists and technical staff to exchange information about new methods, imaging techniques and developments in the field of microscopy. Contact: Alex Laude 

A forum within which students and academics who are interested in systematic review methods can share knowledge. Contact: Louise Tanner

This Special Interest Group provide a platform for scientists to:

1) Establish a long-read sequencing community within Newcastle (including those working in SAgE and NHS molecular diagnostics)
2) Provide a forum where we can invite internal and external speakers to share their experiences using Oxford Nanopore Technologies and PacBio sequencing platforms and complimentary technologies 
3) Foster technology based cross-disciplinary collaborations
4) Horizon scanning and infrastructure investment

Contact: Jonathan Coxhead

The primary aim of the QualSIG is to offer students and academic researchers with an interest in qualitative research a supportive and positive environment to learn and collaborate. Our secondary aim is to promote the considerable qualitative expertise we have here at Newcastle University. Contact: QualSIG@newcastle.ac.uk

Go to Qualitative SIG SharePoint site.

Newcastle University has a number of well-established and talented histology groups wide spread across its campus. The Histology Special Interest group aims to connect and expand this community. The SIG will provide a platform to share skills and expertise, discuss best practices and new technology and ultimately drive collaborations and method development in tissue preparation and exploration. hapigroup@newcastle.ac.uk

The Applied Large Language Model (LLM) SIG is a cross-disciplinary collaboration that aims to bring together computer scientists and translational researchers to advance the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in research and ‘real world’ settings.                                                  

Go to Qualitative LLM SharePoint site.