CARE Management Guide

The CARE Management “how to” guide will offer practical advice on management interventions and techniques in order to ensure better chances for the long term survival of open-air rock art. It is aimed at anyone with responsibility for the rock art, typically land owners/users and heritage professional

Any management intervention undertaken is entirely at your discretion as the manager of the rock art. As custodians of this important and non-renewable heritage resource it is important you untake the actions you feel are correct. This guide is to aid you when making these decisions and not as a perscriptive or mandatory tool.


You can download it here.


How to use


  1. The decision tree will aid you in determining what, if any, management interventions could be implemented in order to help to protect the rock art.
  2. It lists several interventions that have been undertaken and discusses whether they are, or are not, recommended. 
  3. It lists sources of further advice and information.