Affiliated Organisations

The management of this project is through collaboration between Newcastle University and Queens University Belfast.

Newcastle University’s science specialism for the project derives from the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. This is the largest and best-equipped group of its type in the UK with 160 staff and 670 students. They carry out world-class research focusing on the challenges of science and engineering at the interface between technological, human and natural systems.

The International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies provides the heritage aspect of the project. ICCHS is a leading academic centre for research and teaching in museum, gallery, and heritage studies.

Queens University Belfast is represented through the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology. The School comprises three research clusters: Environmental Change, Past Cultural Change and Society, Space and Culture. In addition, the School hosts five research centres.

The Steering Committee, who assist and advice the project team, are made up of key organisations in the fields of both heritage and science, with representation from English Heritage, Northumberland County Council, Newcastle University, Northumberland National Park Authority, and the University of the West of Scotland.