Theme 4: (NIReS)

'Integration of renewable energy systems and power optimisation for ships'

 Renewable Energy System

Research Team:

  1. NIReS (NCL) : Professor Tony Roskilly, Dr Guohong Tian
  2. SJTU : Professor Ruzhu Wang
  3. Dalian Maritime University : Dr Deng , Professor Xinxiang, Pan

Objective: The integration of gas clean up and energy recovery systems, photovoltaic and wind generation devices, and energy storage with existing marine power systems has the potential to greatly improve overall efficiency of shipping. This research is being investigated in 3 FP7 projects currently (TEFLES, INOMANSHIP & ULYSSES) by SWAN. The engagement will extend this research work to investigate a wider range of ship types and technologies.

Engagement: A research forum and two short term visits from both sides will be arranged to exchange research ideas and data in this area and produce a report and a joint research proposal from the activity.

Additional Existing Resources:

  1. NIReS (NCL): 2 PGRA (?), 1 PGR student (?) 
  2. SJTU: 1 PGRA (?), 1 PGR student (?)

Milestones & Deliverables:

  • Quarterly progress report
  • End of project roadmap report
  • 5 year engagement plan
  • A project proposal for joint external funding