Theme 3: (NIReS)

'Low grade heat driven cogeneration of power and cooling'

 Cogeneration System

Research Team:

  1. NIReS (NCL) : Professor Tony Roskilly, Dr Yaodong Wang, Dr Guohong Tian
  2. SJTU : Professor Ruzhu Wang , Professor Liwei Wang
  3. BIT : Professor Zhengxing Zuo, Professor Huihua Feng, Mr Chunlai Tian

Objective: The recovery of low grade heat or solar energy for the efficient cogeneration of electrical power and cooling by the development of two different novel adsorption-expander cycles being carried out in an ongoing EPSRC project (EP/10127904/1) and an EU funded Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (Project No: 253106). Improved and modified design of the adsorption systems and rotary and linear expanders/generators is necessary to enable integration and demonstration of the new cycles.

Engagement: Bilateral short-term visits and the sharing equipment between research teams. One PGRA and two PGR students from SWAN will visit SJTU and BIT and conduct tests on adsorption and linear expansion systems. One RA from SJTU and one PhD from BIT will be invited to SWAN to analyse the collaborative research data, and produce journal papers.

Additional Existing Resources:

  1. NIReS (NCL): 1 PGRA (Huashan Bao 'Vicky') , 4 PGR Students (Constantinos Charalambous, Razali Hanipah, Yiji Lu)
  2. SJTU: 1 PGR student (Dr Zisheng Lu)
  3. BIT: 1 PGR student (Mr Chunlai Tian)

Milestones & Deliverables:

  • Quarterly progress report
  • End of project roadmap report
  • 5 year engagement plan
  • 2 journal papers – one for each cogeneration system.