Theme 1: (NIReS)

‎'Trigeneration with integrated energy storage and biofuel use'


Research Team:

  1. NIReS (NCL) : Professor Tony Roskilly, Dr Yaodong Wang, Dr Guohong Tian, Professor Adam Harvey
  2. SJTU : Professor Ruzhu Wang
  3. GU : Professor Jingcheng Huang
  4. IET : Professor Haiseng Chen
  5. JU : Professor Li Kegang
  6. BIT : Dr Xu He

Objective: Achieving highly efficient generation of electrical power, heating and cooling (trigeneration) requires the integration of electrical and thermal storage. The optimization of energy conversion and storage to meet widely varying demand profiles is complex and requires the development of novel systems and the application of advanced predictive and control methods. This activity will build on an ongoing EPSRC UK-China project (EP/061978/1) between the identified research team and will further investigate the use of biofuels and the optimization of systems for a wider range of applications. The potential for scale-up of the domestic scale system already developed will be explored.

Publications demonstrating existing research collaboration between each team will be developed.

Engagement: Two short term bi-lateral visits between the academic team and their existing PGRAs and PGR students will take place which will allow further sharing of research data and equipment and the production of additional research outputs.

Additional Existing Resources:

   NIReS (NCL): 1 RA and 3 PGR students (Dr Anh Phan) , Thomas Bohl , Hong Dong.

Milestones & Deliverables:

  • Quarterly progress report
  • End of project roadmap report
  • 5 year engagement plan
  • 2 journal research papers to be produced at the end of the project.