Net Zero GeoRDIE Launch Event

The NetZero GeoRDIE launch provided an excellent opportunity for the project team, led by Professor David Manning, to discuss the aims and objectives of Net Zero GeoRDIE research, which is to test the ability of a deep closed loop geothermal system to meet the heating/cooling needs of a modern building. The event was well attended by a broad audience, consisting of researchers, industry, regulators, and local, regional and national policymakers.

To orientate the audience with the site and surrounds, the event kicked-off with a video comprising a flyover of the Helix site and an animated journey down through the borehole. This was followed by a presentation of the planned subsurface modelling and testing by Professor Gioia Falcone, University of Glasgow and then by a presentation focusing on the challenges and opportunities of integrating building demand with heat from the borehole by Professor Sara Walker, Newcastle University. Prior to the Q&A session, Professor Ole Pedersen outlined the questions of regulation and environmental law that will be addressed as part of this EPSRC funded research.

Discussions at the Q&A session ranged from those interested in the technical construction details of the well, to innovative heat storage methods and heat extraction regulations.

The session closed with an announcement that there will be a series of stakeholder events which will be advertised through the energy geosciences network. Watch this website for more information!