Below are selected lab publications, arranged by area of study.
The role of Lewy bodies in LBD
- Ghanem SS, Majbour NK, Vaikath NN, Ardah MT, Erskine D, Jensen NM, Fayyad M, Sudhakaran IP, Vasili E, Melachroinou K, Abdi IY, Poggiolini I, Santos P, Dorn A, Carloni P, Vekrellis K, Attems J, McKeith I, Outeiro TF, JEnsen PH, El-Agnaf OMA. α-Synuclein phosphorylation at serine 129 occurs after initial protein deposition and inhibits seeded fibril formation and toxicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022, 119(15), e2109617119
- Majbour NK, Aasly J, Abdi I, Ghanem S, Erskine D, Van de Berg W, El-Agnaf O. Disease-associated a-synuclein aggregates as biomarkers of Parkinson disease clinical stage. Neurology 2022, Epub ahead of print.
- Koss DJ, Erskine D, Porter A, Palmoski P, Menon H, Todd OGJ, Leite M, Attems J, Outeiro TF. Nuclear alpha-synuclein is present in the human brain and is modified in dementia with Lewy bodies. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2022, 10, 98.
- Hatton C, Reeve A, Lax NZ, Blain A, Ng YS, El-Agnaf O, Attems J, Taylor JP, Turnbull D, Erskine D. Complex I reductions in the nucleus basalis of Meynert in Lewy body dementia: the role of Lewy bodies. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2020, (8), 103.
What causes alpha-synuclein aggregation?
- Hatton C, Ghanem SS, Koss DJ, Abdi IY, Gibbons E, Guerreiro R, Bras J, International DLB Genetics Consortium, Walker L, Gelpi E, Heywood W, Outeiro TF, Attems J, McFarland R, Forsyth R, El-Agnaf OM, Erskine D. Prion-like α-synuclein pathology in the brain of infants with Krabbe disease. Brain 2022, 145(4), 1257-1263.
- Erskine D, Reeve AK, Polvikoski T, Schaefer AM, Taylor RW, Lax NZ, El-Agnaf O, Attems J, Gorman GS, Turnbull DM, Ng YS. Lewy body pathology is more prevalent in older individuals with mitochondrial disease than controls. Acta Neuropathologica 2020, 139, 219-221.