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Investigating the mechanisms underlying post-COVID fatigue

For many people a COVID infection only causes mild symptoms that get better on their own without needing a hospital visit. However even after a mild infection, nearly 1 in 4 people develop longer term complications that can last for several weeks, also referred to as 'Long Covid'.

One common symptom of Long COVID is fatigue. This is beyond the feeling of tiredness we all experience from time to time. When feeling tired and exhausted lingers day in and out, it has impacts on many aspects of daily living and can severely affect quality of life. Fatigue can be caused through changes in many different parts of the brain. Our project aims to understand which systems might be responsible for fatigue in Long COVID. 

Our Project

COVID can affect many different parts of the brain. Our project has two aims:

  • find out which systems are affected in long COVID fatigue
  • track how this changes over time

You can view the full details of the study in our COVID Fatigue Information Sheet (PDF 63KB)

Study Update

We have completed this round of recruitment and are not seeking any more participants at this moment for this study. We would like to warmly thank everyone who expressed an interest in this study, and especially all the volunteers who kindly gave us so much of their time. 

If you have any questions email our team