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Claudia Sacher with Katharina Lökenhoff

Claudia Sacher and Kartharina Lökenhoff

“Mathurine” is a dialogue between the artists Katharina Lökenhoff (Kunsthaus Essen, Germany) and Claudia Sacher (Hexham, UK). Claudia visited Katharina in her studio in Essen earlier this year and found the character for the story “Mathurine” in Katharina`s paintings. She worked in her studio for four days arranging an installation that illustrates the text. Katharina will work in Claudia`s studio next year- she will work using the tools and things that she finds in this space combined with her own way of working. The dialogue may change or influence the other artist`s work in a long term basis. It gives us an insight into how we approach projects and find ideas due to an unfamiliar studio in a different country. For Connecting Principle, they show part of their dialogue on the wall and floorspace, continuing to illustrate fragments of the text with Mathurine being transformed into a three dimensional image.

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Claudia Sacher

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Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU
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