Joint Research Workshop on Situated Art and Dynamic Places,
space-pace-place working group
Thursday, 19 June 2008
13:00 - ca. 16:00
space 4/5, Culture Lab
All Welcome
Wireless networks, mobile devices and public displays are rapidly proliferating in urban areas but are mainly used to access utilitarian information. At the same time there is a growing drive to move arts out of galleries and museums, and into everyday life. Combining those two trends opens up some exciting new opportunities both in creative practice and science. These include:
novel forms of interactive art that interact with both the people present and an environment
creating dynamic places that either adapt to the changes in the environment or induce those changes
enabling urbanites to create, share and appreciate culture in a democratised fashion
providing means to move cultural content out of the virtual worlds of the internet and into the physical world
infrastructures and mechanisms to drive, moderate and control such public networks for art-casting and to link them with personal mobile devices
This joint workshop of the space-pace-place working group and the connecting principle will provide an opportunity to start looking into these topics. It will combine brief presentations, casual demonstrations of existing technology and ample time for discussion to sound out potential ideas and to start thinking about funding opportunities.
13:00-13:05 Welcome
13:05-13:50 Overview talks: available technical resources
Chris Kray, Wolfgang Weileder, Atau Tanaka
13:50-14:00 Introduction of participants
14:00-14:30 Demos & coffee
14:30-14:45 Setting up small groups for discussion
14:45-15:30 Small group discussion
15:30-15:45 Reports from group discussion
15:45-16:00 Plenary discussion and wrap up
Participants are kindly asked to register for the event at the following address:
Further information on the event is available at the following addresses:
Chris Kray
School of Computing Science,
Newcastle University,
Digital Curatorship: Public Programming in the Information Age
School of Arts and Cultures and Culture Lab,
Tuesday 12th February 08
This mini-symposium is an opportunity to engage with the constantly evolving nature of practice in the curatorship of digital and new media art. We aim to do this by bringing together some of the different constituencies at work in the field both in the north east and beyond, and by providing a platform for different perspectives and informed debate. The event will comprise a series of short presentations from practitioners within the field followed by wider panel discussions including further invited participants.
Full programme details, and the online registration form can be found on the Culture Lab website by clicking
For more information contact:
Dr Chris Whitehead
the International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies (ICCHS)
Newcastle University