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Video Lounge

The Video Lounge features 8 artists exploring social, material and data processes through experiments with digital video, performance to camera, documentary and transmission. Films by Brian Degger, Yvonne Leinfelder, Ginny Reed, Robert Scheipner and Zoë Walker & Neil Bromwich are projected in a rolling programme. Works by Neil Bromwich and Winfried Pauleit are presented on monitors. On Wed 2nd May 1pm – 2pm Sneha Solanki, will be transmitting invisible information from the Scottish landscape as part of her work Field Recordings, 2007.

Projected rolling programme (30 – 45 mins)

Zoë Walker and Neil Bromwich
Love Cannon, 2005, DVD, 10:32

Brian Degger
Unlocking, discovering and graphing periodicity and drift through video processing, dv, 10:00

Yvonne Leinfelder
Yoma, 2005, video, 08:00

Ginny Reed
Performance to Camera, 2005
Blow 1 & 2, 2005, DV, 02:22
Vacuum, 2005, DV, 02:19

Robert Scheipner,

Works on Monitors

Neil Bromwich
Light Wave, 2003, dv, sound, 03:04

Winfried Pauleit
Notes on Video Surveillance and the photographesomenon, 2007,
video, 1hour loop, silent.


Sneha Solanki,
Field Recordings, 2007
Time: 1-2pm
Date: Wednesday 2nd May

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The video lounge will show a selection of videos and live broadcasts



Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU
Culture Lab forms part of an evolving network of artists, researchers and scientists 
  at Newcastle University looking at new ways of working across traditional academic 