How will the trial be carried out?
Visit 1: Consent, Eligibility and Baseline
Please note, this visit can be split into 2 visits
- Participant consents to take part in the trial
- Participant and trial partner are interviewed by members of the local trial team
- Once participants are confirmed to be eligible, further assessments will be undertaken
- Participant and trial partner to complete questionnaires
- Brief physical exam
- Study drug supplied and participants given a diary to record when they take their study treatment and any adverse events, changes in other medications or visits to the doctors can be recorded
Visit 2: Follow up telephone call (3 weeks)
- Review of information in participant diary with a member of the local trial team over the telephone
Visit 3: Follow up telephone call (8 weeks)
- Review of information in participant diary with a member of the local trial team over the telephone
Visit 4: Follow up telephone call (14 weeks)
- Study drug supplied (delivered or picked up)
- Review of information in participant diary with a member of the local trial team over the telephone
Visit 5: Face to Face Visit (26 weeks)
- Study drug supplied
- Questions about symptoms
- Brief physical examination
- Participant and trial partner to complete questionnaires
Visit 6: Follow up telephone call (38 weeks)
- Study drug supplied (delivered or picked up)
- Review of information in participant diary with a member of the local trial team over the telephone.
Visit 7: Face to Face Visit (52 weeks)
- Questions about symptoms
- Participant and trial partner to complete questionnaires
- Any leftover trial medication collected
Visit 8: End of trial telephone call (56 weeks)
- Side effects or changes since week 52 discussed
- Confirmation of end of the trial
Optional Follow up (24 months)
- Optional follow up for review with a member of the local trial team to review participant medical records or by speaking to the participant and trial partner directly
- Optional consent for the local trial team to have access to participant medical records for up to 10 years after the participant has finished the trial