Our Project
What's behind a smile? is a website and exhibition that 11 students created as part of their Museum Studies Masters Degree Programme at Newcastle University.
Using Tyne and Wear Museums' dental collections, the exhibition and website both explore the reasons for dental treatment in the past and now. Both demonstrate to visitors that for thousands of years people have used dental treatment for medical reasons as well as to alter their appearance.
The exhibition team

Rachel Carney
Lesley Denham
Laura Keating
Maria Kosmadoudi
Matthew Masterton
Jennie McEwan
Ilse Menkhorst
Janette Murphy
Myrofora Neoptolemou
Kathryn Wilson
If you would like to find more about this project please e-mail the Webmaster.
The exhibition team would like to thank the following people for their help and support:
- Andrew Connell, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- Andy LLoyd, Centre for Life, Newcastle
- Ben Gammon, Independent Museum Consultant
- Co-op Food Stores, Newgate Street, Newcastle
- Dawn Kemp, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- Glyn Goodrick, Museum of Antiquities, Newcastle
- Graham Bradshaw, Discovery Museum, TWM
- Hazel Edwards, Discovery Museum, TWM
- Jimmy Ince, WhizzPrint, Newcastle
- Jimmy Steele, School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University
- John Coburn, North East Regional Museums Hub
- Kylea Little, Discovery Museum, TWM
- Lynne Minett, English Heritage
- Liz Ritson, Hatton Gallery, Newcastle University
- Melanie Reed, Press Office, Newcastle University
- Neil Diment, Independent Heritage Consultant
- Nu-age Medical Spa, Newcastle
- Phil Robinson, Discovery Museum, TWM
- Rhiannon Mason, ICCHS, Newcastle University
- Richard Chippington, Nottingham Museums Service
- Rob McIver, North East Regional Museums Hub
- Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- Sarah Hedley, Milburns, Discovery Museum
- Shona Thomas, Discovery Museum, TWM
- Simon Honeywood, ReadySalted Design
- Sue Latimer, Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum