
Cosmetic Dentistry - Past and Present

People have altered their smile to improve their appearance throughout history. Here are some of the ways people have done this...


Brighten White Professional Teeth Whitening Kit, 2008
Brighten White Professional Teeth Whitening Kit, 2008

Tooth whitening has been going on for centuries. In the 1800s some dentists sold their customers a special liquid which was painted onto their teeth to make them whiter.

Now tooth whitening kits use bleach to make teeth whiter.

Arm and Hammer Extra Whitening Toothpaste, 2008
Arm and Hammer Extra Whitening Toothpaste, 2008

Other oral hygiene products like toothpaste also contain whitening ingredients.


Modern braces, 2008
Modern braces, 2008

Straight teeth are seen as a sign of a beautiful smile. The most common way to straighten our teeth is to wear a brace.

People have braces for practical and cosmetic reasons, to correct such problems as crooked teeth and overbites.

Plaster casts of teeth, 1934
Plaster casts of teeth, 1934

The image on the right shows two casts of the same set of teeth. The one on the left is from before the person wore a brace; the one on the right is after.

Braces as we now know them were developed in the late 1880s.

As a teenager now you are more likely to be given a brace than you were 25 years ago.

Tooth Replacement

Etruscan teeth, around 2000 years old, courtesy of Surgeon's Hall Museum, RCS Edinburgh
Etruscan teeth, around 2000 years old

Over time people have replaced missing teeth in different ways. This has been done to improve their appearance and for practical reasons such as chewing and speaking.

The jaw bone on the left belonged to a person who lived over 2000 years ago in northern Italy. To maintain their smile they had teeth fixed in place of ones they had lost.

Caricature “The Transplantation of Teeth” by Thomas Rowlandson, courtesy of Surgeon's Hall Museum, RCS Edinburgh
Caricature “The Transplantation of Teeth” by Thomas Rowlandson

Two hundred years ago, the poor sold their teeth for high prices. The upper classes paid to have them transplanted into their mouths, to replace the teeth they had lost.

The picture on the right shows the boy in black having his teeth removed, ready to be transplanted into the mouth of the high class woman in blue.

Vulcanised rubber dentures, early 1900s
Vulcanised rubber dentures, early 1900s

To replace a missing tooth today we use dental implants. These are metal posts fixed into the jaw which allow artificial teeth to be secured in place.

If you lose all your teeth today you might be given a set of dentures.

Cartoon from 1811. This woman is proud of her new dentures, courtesy of Surgeon's Hall Museum, RCS Edinburgh
Cartoon from 1811. This woman is proud of her new dentures!

In the past dentures were available to the wealthy but they were more ornamental than functional and could have been made from animal bone.


Tooth accessorises such as tooth jewels and grills can be used to express your personality.

Modern day decorative tooth grill, 2008
Gold tooth grill, 2008

This is not new. Over one thousand years ago South American tribes fixed jewels to their teeth.

Modern day adhesive tooth jewels, 2008
Modern stick-on tooth jewels, 2008

The tooth jewels on the right show that decorating our teeth is still popular today.