Health Professionals
Around 1% of the general population are on the autism spectrum.
Autistic people are more likely to have co-occurring physical and mental health conditions that affect their health. Autistic people are also at increased risk of premature mortality.
Commonly co-occurring conditions include:
- genetic conditions such as Fragile X and tuberous sclerosis
- physical disorders such as epilepsy and gastro-intenstinal problems
- developmental disabilities such as ADHD and cerebral palsy
- motor skills problems such as clumsy walk and difficulties balancing
- sensory sensitivities such as hyposensitivity to pain and hypersensitivity to bright lights
- mental health problems such as anxiety and depression
- cognitive problems such as difficulties planning actions and understanding how other people think and feel
- difficulties with a range of functional skills such as sleeping and travelling independently
Many autistic people have said that they find accessing and engaging with healthcare services difficult as these services do not provide the adaptions needed.
To address these inequalities and improve access to healthcare, health checks for autistic people form part of the NHS Long Term Plan.
For further information about co-occurring conditions see the Royal College of General Practitioners leaflet.
For further information about premature mortality.