
Stage 3:

Health checks for autistic adults: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Parr, Jeremy R.Taylor, HelenWilson, ColinScarlett, ClareAl-Asmori, SarahBuckley, CaroleCooper, Sally-AnnFernandez-Garcia, CristinaFinch, TracyLees, RhiannaLennox, NicholasMerrick, HannahMoss, SebastianNicolaidis, ChristinaOsbourne, MalcolmRaymaker, Dora M.Robinson, TomosUrbanowicz, AnnaWason, James M. S. and Ingham, Barry (2024).Health checks for autistic adults: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Stage 2:

Co-design and development of an NHS primary care health check for autistic adults.

Taylor, H., Ingham, B., Mason, D., Finch, T., Wilson, C., Scarlett, C., Moss, S., Buckley, C., Urbanowicz, A., Raymaker, D., Seiboth, C., Lees, R., Garland, D., Osbourne, M., Lennox, N., Cooper, SA., Nicolaidis, C., Parr, J.R. (2023) Co-design of an NHS primary care health check for autistic adults

Stage 1:

A review of existing research on what barriers and facilitators prevent and enable physical healthcare services access.

Mason, D., Ingham, B., Urbanowicz, A., Michael, C., Birtles, H., Woodbury-Smith, M., Brown, T., James, I., Scarlett, C., Nicolaidis, C., Parr, J.R. (2019) A systematic review of what barriers and facilitators prevent and enable physical healthcare services for autistic adults.

Findings about the importance and availability of adjustments to improve physical and mental healthcare access for autistic adults are described in this paper: Brice, S., Rodgers, J., Ingham, B., Mason, D., Wilson, C., Freeston, M., Le Couteur, A., Parr, J.R. (2021). The importance and availability of adjustments to improve access for autistic adults who need mental and physical healthcare: findings from UK surveys

A national survey with autistic adults with physical health conditions, relatives/supporters and health professionals to explore autistic people's health needs, health service use, and views on health checks and adjustments to support engagement with healthcare.

Mason, D., Taylor, H., Ingham, B., Finch, T., Wilson, C., Scarlett, C., Urbanowicz, A., Nicolaidis, C., Lennox, N., Moss, S., Buckley, C., Cooper, SA., Osborne, M., Garland, D., Raymaker, D., Parr, J.R. (2022) Views about primary care health checks for autistic adults: UK survey findings

Findings from focus groups with autistic adults and relatives/supporters to explore their experiences of receiving healthcare and interviews with health professionals to explore their experiences of providing healthcare to autistic people.

Mason, D., Ingham, B., Birtles, H., Michael, C., Scarlett, S., James, I.A., Brown, T., Woodbury-Smith, M., Wilson, C., Finch, T., Parr, J.R. (2019). How to improve healthcare for autistic people: a qualitative study of the views of autistic people and clinicians