The Academic Team
Meet the academic leaders driving the project:
Amar Rajgor
- Chief Investigator
- Population Health Sciences Institute, Faculty Of Medical Sciences
- Email:
- Twitter: @amar_rajgor91
- Mr Rajgor is the chief investigator for this work, which forms part of his NIHR Doctoral Fellowship. He has won 9 national prizes, presented this internationally and won three research grants.
David Hamilton
- Primary Doctoral Supervisor
- Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Hospitals
- Email:
- Twitter: @winipoo2000
- Mr Hamilton is a consultant head & neck surgeon based at the Freeman Hospital and the NIHR NENC Medical Health & Care Systems Director. He also leads the Laryngeal Cancer Cohort (LARCH) study.
Additional Supervisory & Collaborative Team
Aileen Mill
- Co-supervisor
- School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Modelling, Evidence and Policy
- Aileen Mill is a Professor of Modelling, Evidence and Policy at Newcastle University. Prof Mill, is a co-supervisor and will support in the formation of a preliminary prediction tool.
Boguslaw Obara
- Co-supervisor
- School of Computing
- Boguslaw Obara is a Professor of Image Informatics. Prof Obara, is a co-supervisor and will support in the complex imaging analysis process.
Steven Rushton
- Co-supervisor
- School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Modelling, Evidence and Policy
- Steven Ruston is a Professor of Biological Modelling at Newcastle University. Prof Ruston, is a co-supervisor and has a wealth of experience in modelling complex health outcomes.
Theo Bigirumurame
- Co-supervisor
- Population Health Sciences Institute
- Theo is a research statistician in the Biostatistics group in PHSI & the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East. He will support the statistical analysis.
Eric Aboagye
- Collaborator
- Imperial College London
- Prof Aboagye is a Professor of Cancer Pharmacology & Molecular Imaging and Director of the CRUK-EPSRC-MRC-NIHR Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre. He will act as a mentor for this work.
Radiology Team
Andrew McQueen
- Collaborator
- Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Hospitals
- Dr McQueen is a consultant radiologist and core member of the head & neck MDT at the Freeman Hospital. He will assist in reviewing clinical images and delineation of laryngeal tumours.
Khaled Kallas
- Collaborator Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Hospitals
- Dr Kallas is a consultant radiologist and core member of the head & neck MDT at the Freeman Hospital. He will assist in reviewing clinical images and delineation of laryngeal tumours.