Workstream 4

November 2017

Since our last update, the project has:

  • Successfully recruited 62 people with dementia; our target was 66. Baseline interviews have been carried out over the summer, and four month follow-up visits are completed in two GP practices
  • We have trained two Dementia Nurse Specialists, based in the two intervention GP practices to work with patients and carers recruited to the trial. They are also: 
    - developing a summary of local services for the GP practices involved 
    - delivering training to care home staff 
    - and establishing working relationships with existing practitioners involved in the participants’ care
  • Dementia Nurse Specialists have ongoing intervention supervision sessions with project team researchers.

April 2017

All governance and ethical approvals have been obtained for workstream 4 pilot trial.  Two Dementia Nurse Specialists (DNS) have been appointed to work in two pilot trial sites, Northumberland and North Tyneside, and have started work on 3rd April 2017.  SEED researchers have started participant recruitment at the trial sites and the DNSs will start to test out the SEED intervention with participants, as described in workstream 3.  Ongoing support and supervision will be provided by the workstream 4 team and local site clinicians.