Needs Assessment Workshop, Dead Sea, Jordan

Dead Sea, Jordan - 19-20 May 2012

The purpose of the meeting was for RESCAP-MED country representatives to discuss the training needs assessment element of the RESCAP-MED project, as well as to finalise any pending logistical issues.  The first session began with an overview of the RESCAP-MED project, its objectives, current work plan and expected outcomes. This was followed by an introduction of the mapping exercise and a presentation by each country representative of their respective results.

The second session comprised of an introduction to the rationale behind the training needs assessment tool and its components. A constructive discussion took place that dealt with unclear components, and final modifications of the tool were agreed upon. It was also decided that Syrian representatives would translate the final questionnaire into Arabic and validate the translated version before it was utilised.  All country representatives also agreed to pilot the questionnaire prior to distributing it to ensure it was valid. Participants then discussed other qualitative needs assessment methods, including key informant interviews and focus groups.  It was decided to include between 6 and 10 key informant interviews and 1 or 2 focus groups.  The key informant interviews and training needs assessment questionnaire would both run simultaneously.

Participants concluded the session by finalising a work plan for July and August 2012, including the development of a reporting system for the mapping phase and training needs assessment fieldwork.  All final country analyses were to be completed by mid-September and would include mapping results and the training needs assessment questionnaire results. The final WP3 report was to be completed by the end of September by the WP3 leader, however each country was required to prepare a brief summary of their country reports.