Aims & Questions

Aims and Questions


  • To rethink geographies of economies in innovative and interesting ways.

  • To re-imagine new theoretical, conceptual, policy and practical possibilities for more socially inclusive economic geographies.

  • To develop new understandings of, and approaches to, the geographical possibilities for inclusive economic transformation.


Domain 1, Inclusive Finance:
  • How do geographies of finance interact with other economic and social geographies?
  • How and for whom should financial markets be governed?
  • What opportunities and models exist for financial innovation to support models of inclusive growth?
Domain 2, Inclusive Governance & Regulation:
  • How can different strands of state theory be brought together and developed to generate new understandings of the nature of state institutions?
  • How can inclusive growth be promoted at the urban scale?
  • What is the scope for the articulation of more progressive forms of urbanism, building on previous work on progressive localism?
Domain 3, Inclusive Work & Employment:
  • What is the scope for challenging long-standing labour market inequalities and exclusions through new forms of digital work and employment in the ‘sharing economy’?
  • What are the geographical possibilities for empowering workers at different ends of global service and commodity chains?
  • What is the scope for developing and mainstreaming more inclusive forms of working arrangements to enable workers to reconcile competing activities of home, work and family?
Domain 4, Inclusive Resource Networks:
  • What are the geographical possibilities for (and constraints on) food, waste, water and energy services to be planned and managed in coordinated ways?
  • In what ways can these resource networks be re-bundled in different places to perform more optimally for communities and the environment?
  • What do ‘more optimal’ resource nexus structures look like/mean for different groups of stakeholders?