Peking University Workshop - 10.10.12

GLOBAL SECURE Theme 8 ‘Energy Reduction in Road Transport’ – International seminar and workshop, Peking University, 10th October 2012

An international seminar and workshop on the theme of “Green Urban Transport” was held by the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Peking University on the 10th October 2012. The seminar, led by Professor Pengjun Zhao of Peking University brought together experts from across China, with academics from Newcastle University in the UK and young students just starting their professional careers.

The event marked the inception of joint collaborations between Peking, Wuhan and Newcastle Universities under Theme 8 ‘Energy Reduction in Road Transport’ of the GLOBAL SECURE project.

Peking University Workshop: Theme 8

Peking University Workshop: Theme 8

Peking University Workshop: Theme 8

Peking University Workshop: Theme 8

Peking University Workshop: Theme 8