Position Papers

There are many outputs expected from the FaSMEd Project and we plan to populate this area of the site with these as the project progresses.

As work package leaders, Newcastle University led on the WP1 framework and deliverables, structuring the theoretical and methodological foundations of the project.  Discussions at the Inception meeting had revealed varying interpretations of key educational concepts that would be important to the FaSMEd project and so it was proposed that a number of ‘position papers’ be written that would clarify whole project understandings.  Drawing upon key areas of partners’ expertise, partners volunteered for individual papers and two other partners took responsibility for reviewing the paper and providing feedback which was used for revisions. Please see our Position Papers below.

Low attaining learners in science and mathematics – Ireland (NUIM) PDF 1,042Kb

Low attaining learners in science and mathematics – Ireland (NUIM)

The use of technology in formative assessment to raise achievement – Italy UNITO PDF 571Kb

The use of technology in formative assessment to raise achievement – Italy (UNITO)

The use of technology in mathematics and science education – France (ENS) PDF 1,119Kb

The use of technology in mathematics and science education – France (ENS)

The use of technology in mathematics and science education – France (ENS) PDF 1,119Kb

The use of technology in mathematics and science education – France (ENS)

Learning through ‘cognitive conflict’ in science & maths education – Nottingham PDF 489Kb

Learning through ‘cognitive conflict’ in science and mathematics education – Nottingham (UNOTT)

Professional learning of teachers – Newcastle (UNEW) PDF 704Kb

Professional learning of teachers – Newcastle (UNEW)

What makes an effective toolkit for teachers – South Africa (AIMSSEC) PDF 1,111Kb

What makes an effective toolkit for teachers – South Africa (AIMSSEC)