
ZIP ZIP 2,558Kb

This .zip archive contains the seven applications in version 1.1 of UHTIMv2, compiled for Windows (32-bit), as well as the batch files 'Test_Complete_Run.bat' and 'Post_Initialisation_Run.bat' needed to run scenarios (see the manual for further details).

Installation Instructions:

Extract the above .zip archive into an empty directory you have read/write permissions for. After extraction the directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

  • The UHTIMv2 Application files: M4BaseTraffGen.exe, M4FleetPollProc.exe, M4InitialiseProject.exe, M4RegPollProc.exe, M4RegPostProc.exe, M4RegTimeGen.exe and M4RegTraffGen.exe;
  • Three windows batch files: Test_Complete_Run.bat and Post_Initialisation_Run.bat.

In order to run the UHTIM applications, you will need to download and extract a set of base data files from the Datasets section to the same directory. In order to run the tutorial, you will need to download and extract the tutorial files as well.

For more explanation of the applications, their files and running the tutoral, go to the Documentation section and download the latest manual.

If, when running any of the UHTIMv2 applications, you receive the error 'The Application was unable to start correctly because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect...', or any errors regarding missing .dlls, you will need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable files. These are available from the Microsoft Visual Studio downloads page. Select the x86 version of the files. You may need administrator rights to run the VC2017 framework setup download.

Running the Sample Project:

Assuming you have installed the executables, the batch files, the dataset files and the tutorial files in the same directory, then running the tutorial scenario should be straightforward - just double click on the 'Test_Tutorial.bat' file.