News & Events
World Parkinson's Congress 2023

The TraPCAf team took a full part in WPC 23 in Barcelona, including posters, a booth and a panel discussion At this event, we were also able to support 2 of our CEI partners (one from Kenya and one from Nigeria) to attend the conference and present posters on the CEI work, which they hugely enjoyed and took back learnings to their respective support groups. The panel discussion covered the challenges and opportunities of PD research in Africa, where Research Associate Dr Natasha Fothergill-Misbah and our Parkinson’s Africa charity partners spoke about TraPCAf.
Fothergill-Misbah, N., et al. (2023) ‘Transforming Parkinson’s Care in Africa (TraPCAf): a newly funded research grant, 5th World Parkinson Congress.
Okeno, J., et al. (2023) ‘Informing a multi-country Parkinson’s research grant in Africa through community engagement and involvement’, 5th World Parkinson’s Congress.
Last modified: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 09:44:57 BST