News & Events

CueBand on the news

Project Lead Prof. Richard Walker appeared on UK news, discussing how CueBand technology can aid people living with PD.

Cueband aims to reduce the drooling symptoms of people with Parkinson's through cueing. Sialorrhoea, also termed drooling or ptyalism, is a common symptom of Parkinson's, affecting up to 80% of people. Cue Band, funded by Parkinson's UK, is developing cueing devices to diminish drooling symptoms of people living with Parkinson's.

Cue Band comprises of a mobile application and wristband wearable allowing the following:

  • Create a 7-day schedule of cueing of times
  • Start and stop prompting at any moment
  • Define intensity of the cueing
  • Decide where to receive the cueing - mobile or band
  • Set type of cueing - mobile vibration, audio or band vibration 
  • Use the band as a standalone to receive the cueing
  • Create daily self-reports to register your drooling symptoms

for further information visit




Last modified: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 13:52:05 BST