The Edition

Editors' Handbook MSWord 1,886Kb

The Editors' Handbook for the Thomas Nashe Project is available here. This is a work-in-progress and subject to further revisions. If you have any suggestions please email Jennifer Richards at:

Annotation Essentials MSWord 3,306Kb

Nashe's prose is incredibly rich, and needs clear, detailed, but concise annotation. Here you can read our current annotation policy. 

We will continue to update this page with more information about the texts included in the Collected Works of Thomas Nashe over the following year. In the meantime, you can read our introductions to the texts and view some open access resources available now on: 'Anatomie of Absurditie', 'Pierce Penilesse', 'Christs Teares over Jerusalem', 'Terrors of the Night', 'Have with you to Saffron Walden', 'Nashe's Lenten Stuffe', and 'Summer's Last Will and Testament' below.