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Stevie Ronnie

Stevie Ronnie is a freelance writer, artist and researcher with a background in computing. A poetry pamphlet, The Thing To Do When You Are Not In Love, appeared from Sand/Red Squirrel Press in 2008. Stevie also writes scripts, stories and song lyrics and makes art installations, which often combine poetry with digital technology. For more information visit:

What are babies made of?

What are our eggs made of, made of?
What are our eggs made of?
Morning quilts and flowers that wilt;
that’s what our eggs are made of.

What are our sperms made of, made of?
What are our sperms made of?
Salmon and sap and starter’s trap;
that’s what our sperms are made of.

What are zygotes made of, made of?
What are zygotes made of?
Worms and apples and fête raffles;
that’s what zygotes are made of.

What are blastocysts made of, made of?
What are blastocysts made of?
Fires and logs and poppy seed pods;
that’s what blastocysts are made of.

What are embryos made of, made of?
What are embryos made of?
Kidney and shell, bucket and well;
that’s what embryos are made of.

What are foetuses made of, made of?
What are foetuses made of?
bird’s legs and grubs, tiger balm rub;
that’s what foetuses are made of.

What are our children made of, made of?
What are our children made of?
Mam and dad and a doctor’s bag;
that’s what our children are made of.

What are embryos made of,
made of?
What are embryos made of?
Kidney and shell, bucket and well;
that’s what embryos are made of.