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Sci-art on the web

Discover more about sci-art projects and the way that ordinary people can interacts with and make discoveries about extraordinary science.

  • Cape Farewell brings artists, scientists and educators together to collectively address and raise awareness about climate change. (Pictured left: artists make an ice sculpture as part of the Greenland-based project.)
  • How Gay are your Genes? is a project that ran in 2006 culminating in an art installation exploring sexuality and genetics. It came about via a collaboration of lesbian and gay people from the North East region with writer Lisa Matthews and artist Predrag Pajdic.
  • Alzheimer100 aims to deisgn better technologies for people with dementia and their carers by engaging these people as co-inquirers along side multi-disciplinary specialists.
  • A web-cast of a citizens’ jury on the issue of respect, sponsored by BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme.