

  • Project Partner
  • Hybrid low-carbon home heating systems using air source heat pumps, demand aggregation and time-of-use cost avoidance controls to complement gas and oil boilers

PassivSystems has developed a range of home energy services which are changing the landscape of the energy industry. We are a pioneering company at the forefront of making energy use more efficient and more affordable for millions of households. Our motivation is to help consumers, asset owners and businesses get better value for money and to make a significant difference to global emissions.

In 2010 we were the first company to launch a smart thermostat that allowed consumers to remotely control their heating and most recently, we became the first company to market with a hybrid heat pump solution that uses smart predictive controls, a solution that is ready to deploy at scale today.

For SmartHubs, PassivSystems will install 250 air source heat pumps (ASHP) with smart controls in domestic social and private residences both on and off gas grid. Learning algorithms analyse multiple data points within the homes to learn their thermal properties. Weather information and user behaviour will then be overlaid to predict user demand; this is then used to optimise the efficiency of the heating system and will enable aggregation to respond to demand side response (DSR) opportunities. Throughout the life of SmartHubs PassivSystems will further develop its smart controls and operating platform to improve social landlord and tenant interfaces and enhance demand forecasting to support VPP outcomes.