Patient and public involvement (PPI)
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) refers to a partnership between patients and/or members of the public and the research team conducting the research. This means that PPI members work alongside the research team and are actively involved in contributing to the research process as advisers, and sometimes as co-researchers. You can find out more about PPI here.
Patients and the public have been involved in helping to shape the development and design of the SHAPES research and have reviewed the language used in patient and public facing documentation. We would like to acknowledge the contributions from PPI colleagues to date, which include Janine Smith, expectant and new parents in the North East of England region, and members of the North East and North Cumbria Research Design Service Consumer Panel.

Janine Smith
Patient and Public Involvement Lead
We will continue to involve patients and public throughout the SHAPES research programme. Janine Smith is the PPI lead on the research steering group, and we will invite two pregnant or recently pregnant women to all steering group meetings. We will also run a series of PPI focus groups at key stages of the research, for example relating to how we interpret and disseminate our research findings, and how we can best engage with patients and the public.
The PPI group have reviewed the content and design of this website, and have approved the use of the terms “pregnant women and pregnant people” to be inclusive of all pregnant individuals.
If you would like to get involved in the PPI for SHAPES research, please contact Janine for further information (hello@janine-smith.com).
All patients and members of the public who are involved in SHAPES PPI activities will receive a £25 gift voucher as a thank you gift for taking part.