The British Heart Foundation older patients with non-ST SEgmeNt elevatIOn myocaRdial infarction Randomized Interventional TreAtment Trial (The BHF SENIOR-RITA Trial)
SENIOR-RITA is a non CTIMP (Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product), interventional study funded by the British Heart Foundation looking at patients 75 and over presenting with a minor heart attack known as a Type 1 Non Segment Myocardial Infaction (NSTEMI). The main objective for this study was to determine whether patients from this group would benefit from invasive treatment or whether medication alone would work better for them. The invasive treatment involved patients undergoing a coronary angiography (specific type of X-ray used to examine blood vessels) followed by a possible surgical intervention via Percuatenous Coronary Intervention (PCI) or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG).
1518 patients were recruited to this trial in England and Scotland, and were randomised to receive optimal medical therapy or invasive treatment, as described above.
Patients were also asked to complete questionnaires about their health and well being as part of their involvement in the trial.
The reason for conducting this trial was to answer the important question of whether current UK practice is in line with the needs of our ageing population. The primary objective of this study was to determine if patients 75 and over are receiving the best care available for their needs.
The trial is now closed to recruitment, with the data to be analysed soon. We will update this website with the results of the trial once they are available.