PAR Group

Elaine Lopez

Dr Elaine Lopez is a Lecturer in Applied Linguistics in the school of Education, Communication and Language Sciences. She has established research expertise in the application of linguistic theory to the language classroom, particularly in respect to the second language acquisition of the English article system, and developing expertise in how language is used to marginalise groups of people and maintain power and privilege. She also works on issues related to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) particularly accessibility and anti-ableism. Elaine is an experienced PhD supervisor, holds a Senior Fellowship of Advance HE (previously the Higher Education Academy) and lectures and leads modules on the MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL programme. From September 2025, she will be module leader for three linguistics modules on the BSc(hons) Speech and Language Therapy and the MSc(hons) Speech and Language Sciences programmes. 

Elaine is known for her advocacy work at Newcastle University where she leads a peer support group for parents/carers of autistic children, co-leads a group for single parents and sits on the steering group of the Disability Interest group, one of seven peer-led EDI networks for colleagues and PGR students. She is currently leading a cross-faculty EDI project on accessible conferences and events at an institutional level (Newcastle University EDI Fund) and is Deputy Head of the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences EDI committee.  

Elaine joined this project because her non-traditional entry into academia and unpaid caring responsibilities make her very aware of the lack of inclusion in current research spaces. Both have presented barriers to her own research progression, either from a socio-economic perspective or due a lack of quality time. She believes in the power of community as a force for collective good, which closely aligns with the ethos of the Reimagining Leadership PAR.