Research Briefs

How far from faults to avoid fracking earthquakes?

Summary of the research paper "Fracking:How far from faults?" by Wilson et al., 2018, led by Prof. Fred Worrall.

How often will fracking cause surface spills and leaks?

Summary of research paper "The potential for spills and leaks of contaminated liquids from shale gas developments" by Clancy et al., 2018, led by Prof. Fred Worrall.

How much shale gas could be extracted from the Bowland Shale?

Summary of the research paper "An assessment of the footprint and carrying capacity of oil and gas well sites: The implications for limiting hydrocarbon reserves" by Clancy et al., 2018, led by Prof. Fred Worrall. 

Are Geological Faults a Source of Methane?

Summary of the research paper "Assessing the fugitive emission of CH4 via migration along fault zones" by Boothroyd et al., 2016, led by Prof. Fred Worrall. 

What is the impact of road traffic generated by fracking?

Summary of the research paper "Investigating the Traffic-related Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic-fracturing (Fracking) Operations" by Goodman et al., 2016.

Foreign Language Versions

Abandoned UK wells: Do they leak?

Summary of the research paper "Fugitive emissions of methane from abandoned, decommissioned oil and gas wells" by Boothroyd et al., 2016, led by Prof. Fred Worrall.

Foreign Language Versions

An introduction to shales and fracking

A brief introduction to the geology of shales and the reasons for hydraulic fracturing. By Dr. Liam Herringshaw, 2013.

Foreign Language Versions

How many man-made earthquakes pre-fracking?

Summary of the research paper "Anthropogenic earthquakes in the UK: A national baseline prior to shale exploitation" by Wilson et al., 2015.

Foreign Language Versions

What could be done to improve the UK fracking debate?

Summary of the research paper "Framing Fracking: Exploring public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom" by Williams et al., 2015.

Foreign Language Versions

How radioactive is fracking flowback water?

Summary of the research paper "The flux of radionuclides in flowback fluid from shale gas exploitation" by Almond et al., 2014, led by Prof. Fred Worrall.

Foreign Language Versions

Well integrity and drilling for shale gas: Is the UK well prepared?

Summary of the research paper "Oil and Gas Wells and Their Integrity: Implications for Shale and Unconventional Resource Exploitation" by Davies et al., 2014.

Foreign Language Versions

What size of earthquakes can be caused by fracking?

‌Summary of the research paper "Induced Seismicity and Hydraulic Fracturing for the Recovery of Hydrocarbons" by Davies et al., 2013.

Foreign Language Versions

How does fracking interact with natural fractures?

An explanation of how fracking may interact with natural fractures. By Dr. Liam Herringshaw, 2014.

Foreign Language Versions

Fracking & Aquifers: How far up can a frack go?

Summary of the research paper "Hydraulic Fractures: How Far Can They Go?" by Davies et al., 2012.

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