Workstream 1
Rachael Frost, Greta Rait, Alison Wheatley, Jane Wilcock, Louise Robinson, Karen Harrison Dening, Louise Allan, Sube Banerjee, Jill Manthorpe, Kate Walters on behalf of the PriDem Study project team
Rachael Frost, Greta Raita, Su Awb, Greta Brunskill, Jane Wilcock, Louise Robinson, Martin Knappd, Nicole Hogand, Karen Harrison Dening, Louise Allan, Jill Manthorp, Kate Walters and on behalf of the PriDem team
Frost et al 2020 - Mapping post-diagnostic dementia care in England: an e-survey
Rachael Frost, Kate Walters, Jane Wilcock, Louise Robinson, Karen Harrison Dening, Martin Knapp Louise Allan and Greta Rait; on behalf of the PriDem Study project team.
Rachael Frost, Kate Walters, Su Aw, Greta Brunskill, Jane Wilcock, Louise Robinson, Martin Knapp, Karen Harrison Dening, Louise Allan, Jill Manthorpe, Greta Rait and on behalf of the PriDem Study project team