Work Packages
Work Package 1
The first step in the project will be to complete a information gathering exercise from stakeholders involved in providing services to patients at risk of contracting HIV. This will include a workshop to engage with stakeholders as well as an in-depth literature review.
Work Package 2
This stage of the project will focus on identifying awareness, attitudes and access to prophylactic antiretroviral medications, such as PrEP. This work package will include qualitative interviews with patents, profesisonals and members of the public to collect rich and detailed data. Data will be analysed to identify key parts of what people think and why.
Work Pacakge 3
A co-design approach will be used to design materials that meets the needs of patients, members of the public and healthcare profesisonals to broaden access to PrEP. This phase of the project will be based on findings from Work Package 2, so we can't say exactly what it will include. We expect it will include the design and development of educational materials as part of an awareness campaign or the development of recommendations for a service template - or both!