How do I take part?

Please explore the Trial Summary and Trial Procedures options in the sidebar for information about the PREMISE trial. 

If you decide to take part you can choose 2 or more of the 4 procedures to be randomly allocated by a computer between:

  • 4 procedures e.g. TURP or REZUM or Urolift or iTIND
  • 3 procedures e.g. TURP or REZUM or iTIND
  • 2 procedures e.g. iTIND or Urolift

Taking Part in the study will involve attending 2 extra hospital appointments:

  • An initial screening visit to consent to the study and to check that you are eligible (this visit may be combined with one of your usual visits)
  • A follow-up appointment a year after your procedure

You will also need to fill in some questionnaires prior to your procedure and then again at 6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years after your procedure.  The answers to these questions will help us to find out how effective your procedure was.

If you take part in the study, you will be randomly allocated to receive one of the procedures that you previously chose to receive (as per the procedures listed in the Trial Procedures section.  To keep the study fair, the option you receive is decided randomly by a computer, which is a bit like flipping a coin.  You and your doctor cannot influence or decide which procedure you will receive.  You will find out which procedure you were allocated to either at your screening visit or a few days afterwards.

Please be aware that there is often a waiting list for procedures within the NHS.  Your doctor will be able to let you know if this is likely to be the case. The waiting times may vary for the different procedures.






If you would like to take part, please contact your Doctor who may be taking part in PREMISE, or they can refer you to your nearest PREMISE Trial centre.

You will then be invited to a specific study screening appointment where a member of the research team will go through the information sheet and answer any questions you may have. Where possible the research team will try and combine this appointment with a routine appointment.

If you are happy to take part in the study, you will then be asked to complete a consent form then, a member of the research team will ask you some questions about your demographics, medical history and any medication you take. This will allow your study doctor to confirm whether you are eligible to take part in the study.

You may need to have an ultrasound of your prostate at this appointment. This involves an ultrasound probe (a machine that uses sound waves to build a picture of the inside of your body) about the size of a finger inserted into your rectum. You may have already had a scan or ultrasound of your prostate carried out. In this case, we won’t need to repeat this test.

You may also need to have a digital rectal exam performed at this appointment.  This involves the doctor inserting a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum to examine the prostate.  You may already have recently had this exam performed in which case, we won’t need to repeat this test.

During this appointment or closer to your procedure, we may also ask you to do a urine flow test to find out how fast your urine flows and how much urine is left in your bladder after you have urinated. Again, it is likely that you will have already had this test carried out, in which case it won’t be performed again.

If all of the tests described above are required, then the entire screening appointment will take approx. up to 1 ½ hours.

Once they have got the results of these tests, your doctor will let you know whether or not you can take part in the study. If you are not eligible to take part in the study at this stage, you will continue to receive the NHS care you would normally receive and will be able to discuss treatment options with your usual care team.